unbelievable but true

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Who was Enoch ?

One of my favorite topics are Biblical characters. I have written about Paul and Judas from the New Testament and Today's post will be about Enoch from the Old testament.  Interestingly He is only mentioned a few times in the Bible.  In Genesis from OT and three times in the NT..  He also never died but went directly to heaven. Why He is of interest to me. What does the Bible say about Him ? Enoch is described as the great grandson of Adam and the father of Methuselah(another interesting character).  Enoch was also the great grandfather of Noah.  In Genesis 5:24 it says "and Enoch walked with God: and He was not; for God took Him."   So if Enoch is in the OT obviously the Jews knew about Him.  But the Christian views of Enoch from His brief mentions in the NT are abit different.
The Jewish community believed that Enoch was a holy man and that He was taken into heaven before He could be corrupted.  The New Testament contains 3 references to Enoch. The first is a brief mention in Luke's genealogy of the ancestors of Jesus (Luke 3:37).
The second mention is where the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews, "By faith Enoch was transferred, that he should not see death, and was not found, because God had transferred him; for before his transference he had the witness that he had pleased God well." (Hebrews 11:5) Later in the chapter, Verse 13 adds that Enoch died, along with Abel, Noah, and Abraham. Seems to a contradiction.  The third mention is in the Epistle Of Jude(1:14-15)  "Enoch, the Seventh from Adam" . The quotation is believed by most modern scholars to be taken from 1 Enoch which exists in Greek, as part of the Ethiopian Orthodox canon, and also in Aramaic among the Dead Sea Scrolls. In the NT Enoch prophesies "to" ungodly men, that God shall come with His holy ones to judge and convict them (Jude 1:14-15).  So, what else besides the brief mentions in the Bible do we know about Enoch ?  Well 3 books are attributed to Him, known as the Book of Jubilees, which are not in the Bible, another reason He is of interest to me.  Why are His books not in the Bible ?  Just like the book of Judas and many other books that are not included in the Bible it is my belief that there is knowledge that is being hidden.  The OT is a very incomplete history and by reading Genesis which is my favorite book from the OT, and perhaps the entire Bible, you can see were there are large gaps and stories not fully developed.  For instance the giants that roamed the earth, back then. Who were these giants ?  A topic for another post perhaps. (in a nutshell the giants were the offspring of a race that came down from heaven and had sex with human women; they were destroyed in the great flood-why we had a flood perhaps.)  The 3 books of Enoch tell how Enoch is taken up to Heaven and is made guardian of all the celestial treasures, chief of the archangels, and an attendant of God Himself.  He is taught all secrets and mysteries and has angels at His back fulfilling Gods wishes. Enoch was also seen as the inventor of writing, and teacher of astronomy and arithmetic.  In some beliefs it is Enoch Himself that brings Gods revelations to Moses.  You can also find Enoch in the book of Mormon as the founder of the city of Zion and in the Quran as Idris. But getting back to Enoch in the Old Testament.  Throughout the writings there is continual references to the "Watchers".  Who are the Watchers ?  It is my belief the watchers are our creators, an alien race and they are watching over us protecting us much as a parent watches over their children.  Religion will not teach You this. How could they.  As a matter of fact it is their job to hide this from You. Growing up Catholic, the church actually discourages you from reading the Bible, prefering to TELL YOU on how things are.  Hmm..whats their agenda ?  Whats the agenda of religion ?  To me its plain.  To control the masses as they mislead You.  Some folks need it, to be led and lead productive lives.  Now before You label me "kook" explain to me why 99% of our DNA is labeled "junk" DNA and scientists today have no clue to where it came from or why its there.  Its my contention that another species "alien" came to our planet many years ago and interbred with early homo-sapiens and we are the off breed, a hybrid of an alien culture.  It is also my contention that as our species raises its consciousness and more awaken, this junk DNA will become evident of it's true purpose to help us ascend, but that's another topic "Merkaba". Stay tuned.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Myth of 9-11

  This purpose of this post is to get people to ask questions. Over 3000 people lost their lives on that fateful day and we are not being told the entire truth.  There are many questions not being answered. We are being misled. I am mad and by the end of this posting hopefully you will be mad too. It is not until You get mad that You will demand answers. Don't we owe it to the people that died that day ? And their families ?  When JFK was killed most Americans at the time believed the official version. Today 80% of all Americans believe their was more than 1 shooter and we are being lied to. Personally I don't think Oswald fired a single shot but that is for another post.  The point is, are we to wait another 30-40 years before we start asking what really happened on 9-11 and demand answers ? I hope not. 
  The official version of what happened on September 11th is that 19 hijackers took over 4 planes with box cutters, defeated the Norad defense system, hit majority of their targets, thus collapsing World Trade Center Buildings 1, 2, and 7, due to structure failures of the buildings as the result of fires. The Pentagon was then hit shortly afterwards by a third plane and finally a plane went down in Shanksville Pa. as a result of passengers heroically trying to retake the plane from another group of hijackers. This is the "official story".
  We are told by then Pres. Bush that our government could never have imagined hijackers flying planes into the twin towers.  Condoleeza Rice said we had no warnings. As did Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld.  If this be the case then why was our military running a drill that very morning simulating attacks of planes into buildings in the United States ?  Not only that but Norad had emergency drills set up for years simulating planes being flown into the tall buildings.
   Our FBI had identified 2 terror cells operating in the United States a full year before 9-11., and were following them. Twelve countries including France, Italy, Russia, Great Britain, and Egypt all warned us of imminent danger. This is not known by the American people. Remember the official story is we had no knowledge.  The head of the Pakistani intelligence agency(ISI) a General Ahmed orchestrated the sum of 100,000 dollars to be sent to Mohahmed Atta, the lead hijacker, and that on the morning of 9-11, Gen Ahmed was having breakfast with government officials in Washington DC..  Also Bush Sr. the night before was having dinner with one of Osama Bin Ladens relatives.  Both had large investments with a large defense contractor.
  Of the 19 hijackers 15 are from Saudi Arabia and today seven of them have been confirmed alive. The FBI refuses to answer any questions regarding this.  I remember as a child when JFK was shot and killed how the police found a bullet on a gurney in the Dallas hospital. It wasn't until many years later that the whole "pristine" bullet theory would even be known.  Similarly in New York a hijackers passport was found 6 blocks away from the twin towers in nearly pristine condition while not a desk or computer survived the collapse and concrete had been turned into powder, and the steel support beams had been turned into molten steel. Yet we are to believe that a hijackers paper passport somehow survived ?
  Lets look at the plane that hit the Pentagon for a moment. The plane flew acrobatically into the Pentagon by a pilot who could barely fly a single engine Cessna by all accounts, and hit miraculously in the very section of the Pentagon that was under construction.  Most experienced pilots will tell you that they could not have flown the plane into the building the way the official story is being told. The plane itself "vaporized" upon impact yet we are told that passengers were identified thru fingerprints.  What ?  Two 6 ton Rolls Royce engines vaporize, and passengers are identified thru fingerprints ?  And there are 80 video cameras pointed at the Pentagon wall including not only Pentagon security cameras, but also numerous local businesses had cameras that had Pentagon in its background. Within minutes after the "plane" hit, the FBI is at every one of these businesses collecting their cameras and tapes.  Not only that but security and personnel were picking up loose small parts when first responders arrived at the scene.  What they reported seeing was a small hole in the building with no signs of a plane. (This is before the Pentagon wall collapsed.)  Is it possible a missile hit the Pentagon ?  I don't know but one would think with so many video tapes available that we'd see one picture of a plane going into the Pentagon. Instead we're show one grainy film of who knows what flying into building?!
  Finally the plane that went down in Shanksville, the first responders reported a large hole in the ground with no signs of debris from a plane.  What is not known is that 6 miles away there is another crash site with actual debris.  Did the wind carry the plane 6 miles away from the hole in the ground we all saw on TV ?  Or was the plane shot down in the sky ? I don't know but why are we not even told about second crash site ?
  There are just so many inconsistencies with the whole official story on 9-11that there are books and movies about it, so I'm only touching on some of the less known discrepancies.  , or how is it that 2 of Bin Ladens relatives live in Virginia next to CIA headquarters ? Or why 300 Saudi's including Bin Ladens family and relatives were all allowed to fly out of the United States when all planes were grounded ? 
   The remnants of the trade towers were discarded and much of it sent to China.  No tests of any kind were done for explosives or residue.  It was thru 2 private citizens who lived in NYC close to the trade center that had tests on the residue when they collected ash from their apartments. Both tests confirmed the presence of thermite.  A very high grade of thermite.  I would invite anybody reading this to google thermite and the trade center.  The tests are available for all to see.  None of this is in the 9-11 report. The NIST report that was done and presented to the 9-11 commission did not ever test or analyze any steel from the buildings and has no explanation as to how the towers fell at free fall speed.  Neither is the fact that witnesses at the basement level of the towers reported explosions in the lobby yet this was not in the report either.  A witness in bld 7 also reported  explosions prior to the collapse and when he threatened to go on TV and report it, he mysteriously died next day of a heart attack.  His family knowing he was healthy hired a private investigator and after 2 weeks of investigating returned the money and told the family never to contact Him again.  Actually it was a she.  So what did she discover that made Her so scared as to quit ?  By the way the collapse of bld 7 is not even mentioned in the 9-11 report. Nor is the origin of the funding of 9-11.  It was said to be of little consequence. 
   When England had its terrorist attack (7-7) when the London subway bombings happened its security and military were running a drill on the very day at the very subway stations being attacked.  I find it more than coincidental that on 9-11 and 7-7, both countries were running simulated drills on attacks that just happen to have happened at the very sites they were drilling for.  I suggest it is the explanation for a delayed response and why it took military jets a full 90 minutes to reach NYC.  The prior year NORAD ran 67 drills and had a 100% accuracy with a response of 10 minutes in intercepting hijacked planes in drills.
  Why is it Pres Bush tried to prevent any investigation into 9-11 and when he was forced He named the head investigators and when He was called before the 9-11 commission he refused to be under oath, denied any recordings or press, and demanded that he appear with Dick Cheney and not separately as the commission requested.  Odd.  Now I'm not suggesting Pres. Bush had anything to do with the attacks or that our gov. did.  I am simply stating that there are to many questions and to many oddities.  I do know that our CIA has been involved to some degree in inciting riots around the world, and their fingerprints are all over the first trade center bombing back in 1993.  They built the freaking bomb.  Don't get mad at me for saying this do the research.   I don't know what happened on 9-11 and perhaps we will never know but what I do know is since 9-11 we have seen our rights disappearing. On the wall in my home I have an American flag framed with the names of all those killed on that fateful day, hanging on the wall in my hallway and not a day goes by that I don't think about what happened that day.  We owe it to those killed to find out exactly what happened.  A man in a cave can not tell NORAD to stand down.  A man in a cave cannot tell the 9-11 commission to stop investigating the Bin Laden family.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

nothinghereistruebutitsreallythewayitis: DENIAL OF FACTS

nothinghereistruebutitsreallythewayitis: DENIAL OF FACTS: I have labeled this post "denial of facts" for a lack of how else to explain why we deny evidence contrary to our beliefs and then label the...

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I have labeled this post "denial of facts" for a lack of how else to explain why we deny evidence contrary to our beliefs and then label the messenger a "conspiracy theorist".  I grew up in the 60's when JFK was shot and killed and for many years believed what the media told me that Oswald was the lone gunman and I accepted that as it fit nicely into what I believed as the Government told me so. It must be true.  Later on in life after researching the UFO phenomenon because of a personal experience(in which I have written about in previous post) I was exposed to things as a member of MUFON(is a UFO group/community) in Las Vegas Nevada, that quite frankly defied reality.  This opened my mind abit and I really started to question my accepted beliefs and explore other options.  When one sees laser beams firing into space from Earth shooting at UFO's and the UFO's taking evasive actions it defies reality of excepted and perceived reality.  Now before folks say well must have been faked video, it was shot from an astronauts personal hand held cam-corder aboard the space station as they were filming UFO's outside the windows of the space station. (Astronauts are well aware that there are craft or UFO's as every flight we put into space is shadowed by other crafts observing us). Then when I saw the Oliver Stone film "JFK" it raised many questions as to the accepted beliefs I had about what really happened to our President.  Now I'm not saying everything in the movie was true or accurate, I'm just saying that my mind was open enough because of my prior involvement with Mufon to start asking questions about what really transpired to our beloved President. I must have read every book on the market ! The movie actually made me mad and angry that perhaps there was something else going on here and I was not being told the entire truth.
  Which leads me to the tragedy of 9-11.  That day a friend called me and His first words were "Kevin, New York is under attack, turn on the TV.  I couldn't believe what I was seeing.  We all saw it together as thousands of innocent people died before our eyes as the towers collapsed. Then seeing the Pentagon being attacked and the plane going down in Pa.  At the time I lived on the beach in Florida on the gulf of Mexico and I walked out to my balcony overlooking the gulf and looking up into the sky actually expecting to see incoming planes from an attacking enemy. I was afraid. Our country was under attack.  We were all traumatized as the TV kept replaying the events and they became imprinted into our minds and for me still remains.  My world view that we were safe here in America was literally shattered.  The days that followed being told that a hand full of Muslims being led By Osama Bin Laden was the culprit of all the destruction, I knew from my past experiences with the UFO phenomenon and my research into the JFK assassination, and the cover ups that things were not always so black and white.  The traditional beliefs that our country protects us and America is always the good guy had to be explored as more and more facts came out that were suppressed from first responders to 9-11 and as scientists and engineers told us that something else happened that tragic day besides planes taking down those buildings.  I researched everything I could as a way to cope and relieve my fears and anxiety and when presented with facts that conflicted to with what the government and TV told us what happened I had to at least think well there may be more to this than meets the eyes.  I looked at all the evidence and looked at all sides, being open minded and after seeing that things were being suppressed, which seems to be common, I had to become more active.  Was our government somehow involved ?  People refuse to belief this simply because its against their accepted beliefs, no matter what the evidence is.  The same is true for religion.  They have a specific belief and are closed minded to any other idea.  Refusing to believe that anything else MAY be possible is based in FEAR.  Its why people won't even look at the evidence.  I'm not going to go into all the evidence regarding 9-11 as being "inside job" as not the point of this post.  The point is that instead of being angry or mad at messenger and denying evidence to ones contrary views, explore the evidence and stop being afraid of being confused and face things that are going on in our great country that shouldn't be going on and then get angry, like I did and get involved.  I needed to as I needed to know the truth so I could heal.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Growing up Catholic and then later in my early 20's having been exposed to the "born again" movement, I was taught that God punishes"sinners" with eternal damnation in a literal place called Hell. This I believed for quite awhile.  But what exactly is Hell ?  Church tells you thats where you go unless you follow their rules, dogmas,  or accepting the man Jesus as your saviour.  Hell is a literal place.  We are told just look to the Bible and your church teachers to confirm this.  Well man and their teachings are just their opinions and the Bible is at best an incomplete history, stories, and inaccurate translations.  Not to mention much of the New Testament being altered thru various councils and being written by folks who were not eye witnesses to Jesus.
  There is even question if Jesus actually existed, but I believe He did. Jesus' main message was to love one another and to love God.  Jesus and God can help any individual simply one needs to ask.  We do not need a church or set of dogmas which limit us as we can connect directly.  In fact we are part of God.  We cannot be seperate.  I like the analogy we are to God as the waves are to the ocean.
  You do not need to follow the words and demands of a minister or a priest to find God and to stay on God’s ‘good side’, as God does not have a ‘bad side’. He Loves all of us unconditionally and only wishes for us to discover and find this Love.  This begging for redemtion of our sins so we dont go to hell is created by man as a means of control.  And what is a sin exactly ?  To me its a mistake. Period.  And we all make mistakes and thats why we are all on the Earth plane and why we reincarnate, to learn and grow.
  God will not be sending anybody to hell because of mistakes.  When a child makes a mistak or an error in judgement does not the parent forgive ?  So we are supposed to believe that God, all powerfull and all loving, our Creator is not going to forgive us for our mistakes and yet even worse banish us for eternity to hell, supposedly a place of brutal fire, torture and torment ?!
  I think heaven and hell exist as states of being.  What we are experiencing on the physical plane now could be described as 'hell" and in the spirit realm hell could simply be a lower realm of "heaven" where we learn and then advance perhaps incarnating back to the earth plane for more lessons.
  But I realize that some need to believe in an actual hell as a place to suffer for eternity for percieved sins, and I am not here to try and change anyones cherished beliefs, but I would warn one to be carefull of what you believe because in the spirit plane what we think of happens instantly whereas what we think of on the earth plane happens but over time.  Thoughts are powerful.  So we you die or as I say pass over to the other side, if you think of hell you might just find yourself there.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

End Game

The way the Bilderburgs operate and control the world is they carve the world up into different pieces like a game of risk and place their members or those that they control in charge of all the major worlds institutions. This includes but not limited to Banking &finance, education, media, health, commerce, industry....Well you get the idea. Alll they need to do is control the heads of all..like a pyramid..control the top and those underneath follow.
They merged nations in Europe into the European Union creating the euro(currency for all Europeans) and as we speak are clearing the path for the North American Union, combining Canada, the United States, and Mexico into one union with a new currency called the Aemero.
Any resistance will be met by force and they will use our own military against us. The patriot act and 9/11 paved the way for this just as the Gulf of Tonkin paved the way for us to enter the Vietnam war, and the bombing of pearl harbor paved the way for us to enter WWII. But these are stories for another days blog-but they were all orchestrated by the Bilderburgs.
They will institute martial law here in the states and again the framework is in place because of 9/11. Speaking of which in a NSA meeting prior to 9/11(Rumsfeld member Bilderburg) was quoted as saying we "what we need is another pearl harbor"..wallah..9/11..but again 9/11 will be a later blog... Under the Patriot act which was passed in the middle of the night without 1 member of congress ever reading the framework is in place under the pretense to protect us from the bogeyman, I mean terrorists. We have been fighting the terrorists now in Afghanistan f
or a longer period of time than WWI and WWII combined and the terrorists don't even have a standing army. We are to believe that its taking longer to defeat a ragtag bunch of religious fanatics w little organization, no real army to speak of, and of whom live in clay huts, than to defeat the Russians and the Germans and Japanese in the World Wars of past.
The globalists and the elitists use the United Nations to control world policy and use the Council on Foreign Relations to control both parties in our government. They steer and manipulate our governments policies. Let us call the republicans the genovese crime family and the democrats the bonano crime family. They have a card game which represents our gov. policies; occasionally they will shoot one another(appear to be against each other and thru scandals some are killed off)but if one was to threaten their card game, (their control of government by not allowing any other party to get exposure or even put on a ballot for vote)watch how closely they form and close ranks..and threw their control of media any grass roots efforts for a 3rd party is killed.
The bilderburgs want to control the planets resources and their are to many of "us" so their plan which was begun years ago is to kill off 80% of worlds population(eventually). No ! you may say...well the polio vaccinations of the 50's and 60's created many of the diseases we are dealing with today. Loved ones in the military have been used as experimental lab rats as are criminals in prisons and the helpless in institutions. They create plagues and viruses that they engineer in their controlled laboratories. Then they create "cures' and use the pharmaceautical companies, which they control, to do even more harm; like the bird flu epidemic a few years back. They created the virus, created the vaccination, which was forced upon our children thru the schools. Ask any Doctor or nurse if THEY took the bird flu shot. They have been testing deadly pathogens, viruses, radiological and biological weapons on human populations thruout the world for years now. A recent example besides the bird flu(sterilize our children) is mad cow disease(no country overseas buys our meat)which is creating a 1000% increase in Altzymiers and how thru infant vaccinations they are creating a 500% increase in autism. This is all well under way.
National Security study doc. #200 under Nixon/Kissinger(both Bilderburgs) was a geopolitical document which targeted 13 countries for massive population reduction by creating food scarcities, sterilization projects, and wars. An example under Bush we told china, I mean advised, was to institute its 1 child policy.
The Bilderburgs also created the myth of man made global warming, which in reality, global warming has been occurring in cycles over our planet for eons..millions of years. I may have inadvertly bruised the beliefs of fundamentalist Christians who believe the earth is only 6000 years old, so I apologize, but we will look at this belief more in depth in a future blog...the myth of global warming(man-made) was and is being hyped up to create new control methods and to convince people that we need every action to be regulated by the state in the interest of saving the planet, while the real environmental issues; our oceans, our air, our drinking water...go ignored.
So here we are..they have thinned the worlds populations and now are left with a dependant society, basically slaves, a work force who live in near poverty(only the haves and the have nots-no middle class), while they enjoy paradise on earth who plan on "evolving" into "superbeings" with the aid of advanced life extension technologies. Anything created by individuals to help us is suppressed. This also is another topic for a future blog. Tell your friends whats going on as our only weapon is knowledge about their plans..they know this and fear us learning about..which is why their is a kill switch bill in congress to kill the Internet at a moments notice, but that to will be discussed in future blogs.. remember knowledge is POWER..

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

who was Paul the apostle ?

Paul was a Pharisee—an enemy of Jesus--who put a happy face on Christianity.
But "feel good" words do not make him a follower of Jesus. The often eloquent
words of Paul remind me of what Shakespeare wrote long ago in Hamlet:
"One may smile and smile and still be a villain."
It is time Christians everywhere—especially the Roman Catholic
Church and the Evangelicals realize that Paul played them for fools. It is reasonable to believe
that Jesus was the son of God. It is even more reasonable to believe that Paul
was a false prophet who ignored the teachings of Jesus. In fact Paul only mentions any of Jesus' teachings 1 time. Most of Pauls teachings are directly in opposition to Jesus' teachings. Even the salvation plan is different.   And yet most of the  New Testament is written by Paul.  Christians have become so used to simply listening to their ministers and parrotting what a minister says and not thinking for themselves, that they don't realize the minister Himself only knows what His church elders or school have taught Him. And they have an agenda. Most dont know the true story of christianity, the history of the early church, the Bibles teachings or the history of the Bible itself. Paul , under the name Saul killed christians. He was an agent for ROME. He never met Jesus, and even Jesus disciples were angry at Him, after he claimed he had a vision and annointed himself an apostle. Yes He annointed himself. The apostles as a compromise they say ok You go preach to the Gentiles, just to get rid of Him as the real apostles knew Jesus' true message. Jesus message was to love God and one another. Evangelicals like Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell believe if you repeat the name Jesus enough times, then you’re a Christian. And thats what the christian church preaches today. Kill someone ok, rape someone ok, just say JESUS and your saved. Jesus did not come to start a religion ! . They ignore the teachings of Jesus, and preach Pauls message.
When Jesus said to beware of false prophets, he was warning his followers about the likes of Paul the Pharisee who claimed to be an Apostle. The evangelical church of today which is so wrapped up in politics and is mostly Republican who's message is WAR and less programs to help the poor. Hello, This is not what Jesus preached ! And the saddest point is You cannot talk to a Evangelical and point out these inconsistancies as they don't have logic or even an open mind. Which is why I stay away from "church" "religion" as they preach a dogma or rituals as I prefer to read and follow Jesus message of peace and love...